There is No Spoon

What we are dealing with is a discord within your person. We are going to tackle the condemnation that the devil has taken advantage of to keep you from affirming the truth about yourself in Christ and in God.

When the truth feels true to you, you can live in its light. When you betray the truth, you don’t leave it and it doesn’t leave you. This perhaps is the most painful part of the situation for the believer… God feels just out of reach - as if He was standing right next to you but you can’t touch Him because you’re not on the same plane of existence. It seems, as it were, He is in another dimension right next to, but separate from you. This unspoken torture of the soul can be more crippling than if you were never a believer at all.

And it is entirely an illusion. 

The separation is not real, but once believed at the level of “action and consequence” no amount of telling you it is false will actually reverse its effects on your life. It would be nice if you could stop reading for a moment, affirm that you are as much in Christ as the day you were born again and that’s that! For some, my work is done. For many, it has just begun. 

To put into practice the truth of the first lesson, here’s what we’re going to do: In your mind, switch places with God. Now, as God, imagine seeing you break fellowship as you did whenever you did, however many times you did. Now the question: did you stop loving you? Did you abandon you to the cold emptiness of sin? Or did you stick by your side, arms outstretched, saying “come home my child”?

That’s right! God is love and Love never gives up!