March On

Let’s start with a confession. I identify with you. I know what it feels like to sense nothing - to feel no connection. I know what it feels like to be so mired in your awareness that you are missing the mark that it may as well be said that you are not a Christian. So many have been bruised and battered by failures - knowing about Jesus notwithstanding - and so many are genuinely asking, “Is there hope?”

Although it feels hopeless; and although you feel alone, I assure you that it is not and you are not. It is far from hopeless and you are far from alone. Perhaps more important than knowing that there are lots of people like you, looking for the light, is knowing that there are lots of people who have successfully returned to the light - people who would tell you their stories of darkness and return. God is able to restore us to Himself.

If you’re here, it's because you want to be found again. It's because you want restored a sense of fellowship with God. This is your first lesson:

God never left.