Now Jesus

Staying the course

You take this one day at a time

Being a child of God is not a set of do's and don'ts. It's as organic as growing up. It's personal. It's divinely led by God's spirit in you. You got this.

Life is dynamic. That's why trying to live it like all the other pieces are going to stay in place results in frustration. God would love for you to enjoy the life he has given you - that you would have a full life in relationship with him.

There are ditches and land mines to be avoided as in any living relationship and that's kind of what we'll tackle here. If you are a believer looking for a guide, then you're at the right place. But don't get the idea that I'll tell you "seven steps to walking successfully with God". That doesn't work - not because it doesn't work in and of itself, but because it needs tailoring to your specific relationship with God. If you will let me talk to you about your relationship with the scriptures, church and so on, you'll see that I'm more like a dance instructor than a life coach. God and you are in relationship. Think of it like dancing. Just like dancing, you learn the rules, yes; but then you dance with the person in front of you, not the rules. You respond to their energy and they respond to yours. It's so beautiful to see how different the same dance looks depending on which two masters are executing it. In this way, you're not tailoring your life to look like anyone else's because it can't exactly look like anyone else's. They're them and you're you. Freeing, isn't it?

I'll be posting content about your living and breathing relationship with God through Jesus Christ - and particularly through the Holy Spirit sent in Christ's name (more on that later). Take heart beloved. God has promised to make your life beautiful; to make it a wonder and He is up to the task.