Losing Faith? Let's Talk.

I would love to walk alongside you on your faith (or lack thereof) journey. Our journey together might be getting started, but our journeys as individuals are decades old for many of us at this point.

This thing called Christianity is problematic, wonderful, easy, hard, clear, and at times, impossible to figure out. Regardless of where you feel you are on this list, we all started the same - full of hope.

Full of hope for a better life because it "seemed" that God was going to help us solve the most important part of the equation of life: Us. We ourselves are the thing that we wanted to change the most. For the Christian the hope of a better life is not primarily material, it’s primarily moral. That’s not to say we have no desire for God’s hand in our material lives. We did, and we do. What is undeniable is that God’s goodness had an influence on our moral compass. We were drawn to God as a thirsty person is drawn to water. We thought “with God, I can be a better person”. 

You weren’t wrong. 

But something happened. We missed our way somehow. I think we lost sight of “receiving” virtue and began instead to “pursue” virtue. We thought we were seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and yet, holiness seemed to continue to be out of reach. We thought we were “pursuing holiness, without which no one will see the lord” but we didn’t like what we were becoming. We were becoming fake. What we wanted was an authentic love for God and the things of God. We wanted to love prayer, reading the Word, doing right, excellence, selflessness, and so on. Instead, we found ourselves rationalizing, falling into bad habits, sinning with varying degrees of sinning “willfully”, and generally not liking praying just to pray or reading the Word just to read the Word. 

What we wanted and what we Got, didn’t match. 

A flaw along the way does not a flaw in the foundation make - we have gotten away from how we began: with God in the driver’s seat and us as people saying “yes” or “Amen” to what we sense God is doing or leading in our lives. 

Go and win.