Back to Jesus

Return to a sense of peace with God

Many believers report feeling as lost as they were before they put their trust in Christ. Is there is a way back to a strong sense of salvation and groundedness in Christ?. Of course.

Vices, addictions, doubts, fears and a general feeling of being more lost than ever? Do you feel like at one time you were on the right road with God and now your life has run off those rails? First and foremost, no derailment is really a derailment with God when the soul in question cares about being made right with God (and with herself or himself).

We will journey together through the winding road of untangling wrong thinking, wrong believing, and wrong feeling. We'll re-wire you back to finding joy in God and the things of God (by his Holy Spirit of course) and we'll get you back to a place of authority in Christ - addictions will melt away under the rays of God's grace upon your life as you let the light in and stay inside the hedge of God's will for you.

A word of caution

I know you want to be out of whatever the current state of affairs might be but I want you to know that haste is the enemy of progress here. Be in this for the long haul. God will do things his way; not my way or your way. Some things he'll take you from, other's he'll take you through and still others he'll let tarry in until you find that they weren't an issue at all. It's a journey. Have patience with yourself. God certainly does. 

So, how do we begin? 

What is this journey? You and I have been Christians for some time. The truth is we knew back then something that we often forget - We want to be right with God. That's it. Simple and yet so far reaching. This journey is about re-centering your (and my) Christian faith around this central truth:

God sought me

Do you remember how God sought you, pursued you? How situations unveiled a God who wanted you to accept him into your heart. Do you remember how we ran from the darkness in our lives at the time, because we felt that, in God, there were open arms ready to receive us? 

There was, and there is. God's arms were open to us. They still are.

Let us journey together you and I. This is how we begin. From the beginning. Feel free to share your story about how you were born again - how you came to be a Christian. There's no pressure to write me; it can be in your journal or you can find a loved one and trade stories about how it came to be that you put your trust in Jesus.