What this is

The YouAlive Experience

I have wanted to do this for a long time. I have wanted to build a platform for you... a place where if you are

-Looking to find God, you can (The truth is God is looking for you 🙂)

-Looking to return to God after some time in the wilderness, you can

-Looking for help navigating the life of faith in Christ, you can

Why do this?

Because there can never be too many signposts pointing people who are interested in God to Jesus the Christ.

Because if you made a mistake (or two or several) and you're feeling lost, you don't have to stay that way. There should always be a way back to a strong sense of fellowship with God

Because if you have begun a journey with God by faith, you should not walk alone.

I don't have all the answers and I am not perfect. That being said, there's no point in false humility. I can help you. I strongly believe that. The posts and thoughts on this website are the result of something more than cerebral musings. They are the out-breathing of my walk with God designed to help you find what I believe you seek - spiritual direction.

For example: I was held by pornography for nearly two decades when I came to understand and embrace the path of freedom. Sometimes I can't help but marvel at a freedom so complete, it feels mundane. I stopped counting how many years it's been (nearly a decade) because it isn't recovery (I acknowledge that for some, it will be): I am as one who was never bound. That path to freedom was not given to me to keep. It was given to me to share. And Here we are.

The community that emerges out of this effort will:

-Depend of God - for real, not just as lip service

-Find the strength to live the life that God intended them to live by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ

-Be free

-Help others

Thank you for visiting this website and taking the time to read this. God richly bless you.

I'm a bit of a homebody. When I'm not working my day job or spending time with family, I'm watching my go-to shows or working on this website and creating content for various media channels. It's a labor of love that I am so grateful for.
(I call myself pastor Anthony because that's the role I'm taking when I'm doing this. It is not to imply that I have been ordained by any organization or ministry. I do baptize adults, but I don't marry and bury.  I go to People Church in Chicago as a lay person.)

Want to sow into what I'm doing with YouAlive? Please feel free to do so here.

Want to reach me about something? Here you go.

[Pastor Anthony]