Why Jesus

Your search for God is a response to God’s search for you

This is How We Begin

Let's begin with a question: Are you looking?

That's not a trite question. It's really about why anyone would ever visit a site like this one. What really drives us is often unknown to us. Nevertheless, driven we are - by a longing, a force, a desire... for what?

Maybe it is more correct to say "for whom?".

Have you ever looked around for no reason only to realize it wasn't for no reason after all - someone was looking for you or looking at you? It's kind of like that. You see God has been looking for you to realize his hand of love outstretched to you all your life. What you have been feeling is his loving gaze on your life, calling you home to him.

To God, your life is precious. It is neither meaningless nor empty, and though our experiences in this life can be painful, God insists there is purpose for you here in this life on this earth. Meaning is relational.

Have you ever wanted to live a good life? Have you felt that there's a purity of life out there you'd like to lay a hold of? Truth is it is already yours to have.

That's what this entire section and the posts herein are about. They're about a God who has done something for you - who is freely giving you something. What those somethings are and how to enjoy them will be the subject of our exploration. In short, we'll be exploring God's love for you and the invitation that that implies for you. At any time you'll be able to make a decision to accept it and walk in it.